Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seriously, folks...

This life I live... Will it ever slow down?? Probably not, but that's okay. There are ebbs and flows, so I take the down time when I can and run around like crazy all the other times. It all works out in the end, I suppose... I'll sleep when I'm dead! I was chatting with a pal at work recently, and we kept adding little pieces until we felt like this was an accurate description of what we are required to do every day: juggling chainsaws blindfolded on a tight rope wearing high heels during a thunderstorm with no roof after severe sleep deprivation, hopped up on caffeine all while NAKED!! Yeah, we're easily amused- so what?

So much going on around here- where to start?? Simon and Ellie turned 3 in August, Craig and I celebrated 6 years of marriage, Ashlyn started her last year of middle school, my brother David shipped off to Russia for the year and we are MOVING!! We are in the final stages of preparing our current home to sell, and man- has it been a gruelling experience... I sure wish we'd kept up on this house better- lesson learned for the next house, for sure!! All the little things that we never got around to or thought would be much bigger projects than they were... We hope for this house to be on the market by the end of next week, and will then move on to a more exciting stage in the process- looking for our next home- our FINAL home! We are very blessed in this economy and housing market and with the crappy situation this house has become to be given such an opportunity to move forward in a way that will give us more space for our growing family and put us in a better situation financially as well. God is good!

Anyway- It had been so long since I'd even looked at this blog of mine that the background I was using no longer existed... So I figured I'd change that and pop in to say hello! I'll load some pictures from our summer soon- it sure has been a whirlwind of fun and craziness! A friend told me this past weekend that I should blog because she thought I had such a good voice for it... LOL If only I could find the time! And the inspiration at the same time! I guess way back when, I thought it would be fun, and I like to think I'm fairly entertaining, so I started this blog, and ever since then, I feel like I need to have something brilliant to say and just plain don't do it in my infrequent 'spare' time. Oh well- I guess you'll get what you get!

Until next time!

Princess P