Thursday, June 11, 2009


I started this blog less than an hour ago, and you're already going to get a glimpse into the conundrum that is me... I just wanted to say right up front that I HATE poor grammar, spelling, etc. BUT, I'm 32, do not have a college degree, and have lost half of my brain cells between my crazy kids and hectic job... The other half were questionable to begin with, but I'm doing the best I can (tee hee- 4 glasses of wine in to the evening...). I use a lot of ellipses and run on sentences and onomatopoeias, and I'm okay with that. As long as its fairly proper and is still able to convey what's really in my head, you know??

I guess I just wanted to let you know that I will always do my best to use proper spelling and grammar... Mostly... I will never say things like "U R a Q-T!"- I HATE that shit. I even use proper full words and sentences when texting- if that ends up using 2 instead of 1 text, I'm sorry! Even my mom uses Text Talk though- crazy, right?? It is EVERYWHERE these days... (If you read this- Sorry Mom- I do understand the time saving value...)

I hate the words 'ain't' and 'supposably' just because they became acceptable just because people didn't know better than to use them... I hate that 'its' and it's' follow opposite rules than any other possessive nouns/pronouns... I can't stand when people don't use proper spelling or grammar or sentence structure when writing a business e-mail. That one really gets me. Don't you dare type the words "nip it in the butt" or something equivilent. I WILL make fun of you... And depending on how bad it is, I may not even read your e-mail! That's right- I will just straight delete it! And yes, I'm aware that NO sentence should ever start with 'and'...

Having said all of that, I have to give a reason for the title of my blog... I do use the word 'cuz'. I never said there was any consistency to my fondness for the rules. Just that I am fond of them... I guess the reason that I am okay with the word 'cuz' is because I actually use it in real life... And you might say that 'ain't' and 'supposably' fall under the same rules, but they do NOT! They were only used originally out of ignorance. 'Cuz' is a word that's acceptable in society in normal conversation... That's my story, and I'm sticking to it...

BTW- (oh yeah, I also use those sometimes- but mostly because I'm lazy- FYI, IMO, all of them...) Has anyone tried Pandora? I know I'm a little slow, but I used it for the first time today and it is SO awesome!

Princess P


  1. After reading this, I realized that I don't use that crap when texting either. But, I do use acronyms, so I completely understand where you are coming from, Sarah. :)

    BTW - I love Pandora. It's fucking sweet.


  2. Hi Sarah (princess p),

    I LOVE your blog! :) And Pandora is my work partner. I don't work with out it. For example, yesterday while listening to the "Janet Jackson" station "Raspberry Beret" came on by Prince. It just doesn't get any better than that! I had to close the blinds and dance around. Every one needs a work break now and then. :)

